
Mar 15, 2015

Amber Rose Joins “SlutWalk”

Somebody Snitched On Amber's Booty!

Amber Rose has joined a good cause with an interesting name – “SlutWalk”.

Strolling since 2011, the SlutWalk Movement isn’t new, but it has found a new audience with the socialite. SlutWalk was created when a police officer in Toronto, Canada told a student to “Stop dressing like a slut.”

Apparently, since Amber has been criticized for her dress style and sexy IG posts, she has created her own version of the walk.

She stated: “My Slut Walk will be about every Woman Equality issue we deal with everyday u can walk and make signs for the issues ur passionate about. I’m in the beginning stages of putting this together but with ur help this could be an amazing liberating experience for us women. Stay tuned for more info in weeks to come. #AmberRosesSlutWalk ❤️”

Rape culture often blames women for getting sexual assaulted stating that their choice of clothing entices men to attack them. Essentially it gives the attacker an alibi for his actions. On the other hand, those that partake in the slut walk are encouraged to dress like “sluts” to underscore that no matter what they were, sexual assault us unacceptable.

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post from sitemap

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