
Nov 27, 2014

Outraged Communities Unify To Boycott Black Friday

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The fallout from the slaying of Mike Brown has resulted in a mass boycott of consumer products on the huge shopping day Black Friday.

The boycott is a shift from mass protests that have taken place over the nation in the days after Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson was set free with no indictment for killing Brown.

Now the plan is to continue to march for the end of police brutality, but also to strike from an economic angle.

Below is a statement from the official website of

Blackout for Human Rights (Blackout) is a network of concerned artists, activists, and citizens who committed their energy and resources to immediately address the staggering level of human rights violations against fellow Americans throughout the United States. We have witnessed enough. An affront to any citizen’s human rights threatens the liberty of all. So, we participate in one of the most time honored American traditions: dissent. We demand an immediate end to the brutal treatment and inhumane killings of our loved ones; the lives of our friends, our parents and our children have value and should be treated with respect. Our right to life is secured not only by our humanity, but is protected by law both federally and internationally by the Constitution of the United States of America and the United Nation’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Click here for a listing of how you can take action from here on out

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