
Aug 28, 2014

Trinidad James: I Didn’t Need Def Jam When I Signed With Them (VIDEO)


 Gold backs up the American dollar but it could only back up Trinidad James for so long before Def Jam dropped him. Trinidad James explains why he did not need Def Jam when he signed with the label in 2012 and his future plans.

On August 2nd, Trinidad James announced that his two year tenure at Def Jam Records and released a song entitled “Doin’ Me”. On the song he raps “I did it everybody else way, I’m back to doin’ me” hinting at giving up control of his career during his stint with Def Jam. In a recent interview with MTV, James

I feel like we just had a difference of creative ideas. And for me personally, I know that I am somewhat of a person that’s just gonna do it their own way… For me personally I don’t think I needed a major at the point of time in my career that I was at.

One of the first steps in regaining his popularity as a newly independent artist is getting the fans back. According to James, his unreleased Def Jam debut album was set to help him get a better grasp of his core fanbase:

I wanted to take the people who care on a musical journey. So it’s almost like, ‘Hey if you’re a real true Trinidad James fan raise your hand so that we could put you on a separate island,’ so we’ll know what my actual core following is.

Check out Trinidad James’ full interview below:

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