
Jul 22, 2014

Minister Louis Farrakhan Addresses Jay Electronica, Jay Z & The Nation of Islam at The Brooklyn Hip Hop Festival


 Minister Louis Farrakhan saw Jay Electronica and Jay Z perform at the 10th annual Brooklyn Hip Hop Festival and approves. In an extensive letter penned by Farrakhan for Final Call, the esteemed leader addressed criticism Jay Electronica received following his performance and more.

Farrakhan writes that he is “very proud of the Fruit of Islam (F.O.I.) and the Believers who stood with Brother Jay Electronica as he delivered what he delivered to the people” at the Brooklyn Hip Hop Festival. Farrakhan also admits that Jay Electronica was not “perfect in his representation” of the Islamic beliefs, but reasoned why it was acceptable:

I understand that some criticized Brother Jay Electronica’s use of profanity while wearing the uniform of the Fruit of Islam (F.O.I.) of The Nation of Islam.  I humbly and respectfully ask:  Has any of us who have accepted Islam and its required high degree of moral excellence and civilization ever said or done anything that is less than representative of what we believe?  I am sure that all of us, if we are honest, would have to say that we have

At the end of Jay Z’s appearance during Jay Electronica’s set, the Roc Nation boss placed a 5 Percenter chain over Electronica’s head and proclaimed “peace to the gods.” According to Farrakhan, that is a moment even he would have enjoyed:

So, if someone offered me what Brother Jay Electronica was offered by Brother Jay Z, I too would accept it with the biggest smile on my face, for I too, as all of us in The Nation of Islam, are The Five Percent:  Poor Righteous Teachers who are called to teach the 85 Percent, and free them from the chains of slavery and subservience as tools of the 10 Percent.

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